The simple act
of opening this web site demonstrates that you are considering one of the
most significant decision of your life whether to undergo a technical
qualification in computing.
As a college we specialize in education and training in the areas of
Computing, Management, Media Studies and Information Science. We take pride
in the quality of training and certification offered by our college. Our
programmmes are awarded by Makhan Lal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita
The programmmes are delivered, with the object of fulfilling 3(three) basic
* To develop an intellectual approach to problem-solving as applied to many
fields including information systems and promote a sound knowledge of
software development techniques with emphasis on scientific business systems.
* To develop the students to take up challanging jobs in industry
successfully or to help them perform better in their job, if they are already
* To develop students abilities to enable them to work effectively in and
appreciate a multi-disciplinary environment and apply their knowledge and
Our courses have been designed, with the present trends and market
requirments in mind. These courses are professional programmmes, combining
the curriculum with intensive industrial training for the students to
familiarize them with the industry environment.
The time after schooling could be turning point in the life of a person if
right decisions are taken at that time. These are generally about the future
prospects of the person and his career. This kind of decision is the most
critical one and must be taken very cautiously after a lot of thinking.
We look forward to welcomimg you into one of our courses. While, please
consider very care fully the opportunities our courses offer and contact our
Admission/ Coordinator, if you have any queries/suggestions/want to discuss
any thing.
Piyush Anand

of Business and Technical Studies
Contact: cbts_india@rediffmail.com